Best three calendar applications for Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a free and open source operating system which is gaining popularity slowly. There used to be very few applications for Linux/Ubuntu operating system, but as its popularity grow many applications are been developed. Many calendar applications are available for other operating systems but there are only few for Ubuntu.
Here in this post we have listed some best calendar applications for Ubuntu which will help you to remember important dates and enter to-do list easily. Some of these applications are cross platform which you can use on any operating system.

Rainlendar is one of the best calendar application available for Ubuntu users. This application looks and feels just like any other windows application. Using this calendar application you can display calendar wallpapers on your desktop, manage to-do lists and also change skins of the application.
Installing Rainlendar in Ubuntu is very easy all that you need to do is to download .deb file and follow on-screen instructions to complete the installation process. You might also need to download other supporting files during installation depending on your needs.

Mozilla Sunbird is a cross platform calendar application. For using this calendar application on Ubuntu you need to download latest version of Sunbird from here. After you downloaded the file it is very easy to install like any other application on Ubuntu.
Sunbird provides you with all the features that you need in a calendar application. Because it is an open source and cross platform application you can even use it on other systems where you can easily manage your tasks and dates between both the computers.

Google Calendar is a web based calendar application which provides all most all functions like a normal desktop calendar application. You can use this application from any operating system or computer from where you can connect to internet. Interesting feature about this application is its ability to sync with many other desktop calendar applications. So you if you are using any such application which is supported by Google calendar sync function then you can keep both your calendars up to date. You can also integrate Google Calendar into many of other Google services like Gmail, etc.


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