qBittorrent is a multi-platform lightweight but fully featured BitTorrent client. It's authors claim it's the closest open source (GNU GPL v2 license) equivalent to µTorrent.
qBittorrent Features:
- Polished µTorrent-like User Interface
- Well-integrated and extensible Search Engine
- Simultaneous search in most famous BitTorrent search sites
- Per-category-specific search requests (e.g. Books, Music, Movies)
- All Bittorrent extensions
- DHT, Peer Exchange, Full encryption, Magnet URI, ...
- Remote control through a Web user interface
- Nearly identical to the regular UI, all in Ajax
- Advanced control over trackers, peers and torrents
- Torrents queueing and prioritizing
- Torrent content selection and prioritizing
- UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
- Available in ~25 languages (Unicode support)
- µTorrent spoofing to bypass private trackers whitelisting
- Advanced RSS support with download filters (inc. regex)
- IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible)
As you can see, qBittorrent has all the features you would need in a Bitorrent client.
I like it because usually I can only use a few Bittorrent clients on certain Torrent Trackers, but since qBittorrent has uTorrent spoofing to bypass private trackers, I can use any version without a problem:
I like it because usually I can only use a few Bittorrent clients on certain Torrent Trackers, but since qBittorrent has uTorrent spoofing to bypass private trackers, I can use any version without a problem:
Also, the RSS support is really easy to use so you can easily download new episodes of you favourite TV series.
qBittorrent v2.0.0 was released just two days ago and it includes a huge list of bug-fixes and new features - you can check the changes, HERE.
qBittorrent v2.0.0 was released just two days ago and it includes a huge list of bug-fixes and new features - you can check the changes, HERE.
Install qBittorrent in Ubuntu
qBittorrent has a Launchpad PPA you can add:
-Ubuntu Karmic:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hydr0g3n/ppa
-Ubuntu Jaunty:
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/hydr0g3n/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 47B4D1C4
For both, to install qBittorrent:
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install qbittorrent
If you don't use Ubuntu, see the qBittorrent download page (packages available for Mac OS X, Debian, Gentoo, openSUSE, Fedora, Alt Linux and blackPanther OS).
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